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Games Workshop: Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave: Champions of Dreadfane

Regular price $53.00
Regular price Sale price $53.00
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  • Two warbands in one
What’s not to love? Champions of Dreadfane gives you the opportunity to add Lady Harrow’s Mournflight and Ironsoul’s Condemnors to your warband collections, both of which were previously only available in the Warhammer Underworlds: Dreadfane set. As well as the 7 push-fit miniatures (3 Stormcast Eternals Sequitors and 4 Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees), the set also includes a total of 64 power and objective cards divided evenly between the two warbands, enabling you to replicate their defining play styles.
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